It is exactly one year since we opened the kitchen!

14. 10. 2020

In September, it was exactly one year since we, along with your support, managed to open the kitchen for the starving people in Sanaa. Below, you'll find the goals we set out to achieve and how we succeeded in fulfilling them.

Goals of Pomůžu jak můžu, z. s. for 2019:

a) Ensure transparent transfer and delivery of financial resources to Sanaa.

Between June 2019 and December 2019, a total of 390,000 CZK was transferred.

b) Secure a space and launch the operation of a public meal preparation facility (including raw materials, personnel, equipment, and energy) for the most vulnerable groups and coordinate its distribution. Meals are provided to individuals with special confirmation from the local municipality. The organization’s operations on-site are managed exclusively by the local community.

c) Provide one hot meal per day for the most vulnerable groups. The number of served individuals will always depend on the current financial resources.

As of 2019, 166 individuals have been registered and served to date.

d) Through the website, social media, and media partners, provide as much information as possible about Yemen—current situation vs. tourism, natural beauty and wealth, people, crafts, and products.

In 2019, the information was primarily focused on the ongoing conflict and the state of society from a humanitarian crisis perspective. For 2020–2021, we plan to expand overall communication according to the goals, aiming to give donors a deeper understanding of our area of operation and all the people involved in the project on the Czech-Yemeni side.

e) Collaborate with relevant and functioning NGOs in the Czech Republic, Yemen, and worldwide.

Regular contact was established with the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, along with consultations with organizations like Integra and Mary’s Meals.

f) Provide food containers instead of bags and launch a motivational program for their use. Environmental benefit: instead of traditional single-use plastic bags, which are used all over Sanaa to distribute food for entire families, sturdier washable metal containers will be used. Each registered family received one container when the kitchen opened, and diners are expected to bring their containers daily. Motivational system: those who don’t forget their containers can participate in a regular raffle for a food package.

This was successfully implemented in full.

g) Provide employment and income opportunities for local people.

Throughout the year, four people— a cook, an assistant, a project manager, and a kitchen manager—received regular income through our organization’s donor support.


The goals for 2019 were met. Moreover, we successfully involved the local community, Yemenis in Sanaa and beyond, in the donation process. Our friends in Sanaa, who manage the project, also brilliantly responded to the catastrophic situation in the country related to the spread of COVID-19 and managed to keep the kitchen running under strict conditions. We consider all of this a significant success for everyone who supports or works for the project.


© 2018 | Pomůžu jak můžu, z.s.

IČ: 075 95 930 | č.ú. (CZK): 2701537846/2010 | č.ú. (€): 2301537847/2010

www.pomuzujakmuzu.cz | info@pomuzujakmuzu.cz